A Social View of Cycling
My name is Angela van der Kloof and on this website I hope to inspire you with my view on cycling. You can find a number of articles that I wrote over the years, projects that I’m proud of, and things that inspire me. You will also read about experiences in my work and private life.

Cycling mobility for all
Cycling presents a strange paradox. It is a relatively cheap and easily accessible mode of transport, while at the same time the cycling mobility system is not readily accessible to everyone. People can for example lack access to a cycle, or to physical cycling infrastructure. They can also lack knowledge, skills and confidence to ride in traffic, or cycling is simply seen as incomprehensible as a personal choice.
We should not assume that cycling is easy or self-evident for everyone and a social view of cycling, that takes people’s lived realities as a starting point, can help to understand and overcome the paradox.
Why Cycling Fits Women’s Mobility Needs and What Is Needed to Unlock the Potential
In early summer 2020 I wrote an article for the Women of the ITE sub-committee on the topic of women and cycling…
Effects of Covid-19 Measures on Mobility of Men and Women
In the first weeks of the covid-crisis in 2020 in the Netherlands, various measures were taken to ensure that as few inhabitants as possible contract……
International Inspiration for the “a Bicycle for Every Child” Approach
In the winter of 2021 the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure commissioned a brochure on the topic of programs and initiatives for children, youngsters and families that want to cycle, but can’t afford to buy a bicycle…

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Angela van der Kloof