About Angela

Thank you for your interest in a social view on cycling! My name is Angela van der Kloof and I’ve cycled since I was little, like most children in the Netherlands. It was never anything special to me, until one day in april 1991. 

I was 22 years old and started a voluntary position to teach women in my city to ride a cycle. It was a migrant women’s organization where there was a waiting list for the bicycle lessons, hence the need for extra volunteers to help more women ride cycles.

Until then I just used a cycle to get to school, to visit friends or my grand parents, to go grocery shopping, or to the swimming pool or a pub. But when I started to teach migrant and refugee women to ride a cycle it became clear to me that I had a lot of unconscious cycling competences.

It is 30 years later now and since 2008 I work as an international consultant with Mobycon. Through this work I learn about cycling in different countries and cities first hand. I also like to read from authors from around the globe and this inspires me to see things from different perspectives and to develop my ideas.

I hope that my view is a feast of recognition for you, or helps you to understand the world of cycling from a new perspective. Either way, I like to think and write about cycling from a social perspective!

My primary goals & mission

Cycling can be a positive, healthy and energy efficient tool to contribute to solving the many problems that we face on the globe. The daily reality however, is that the cycling mobility system is not readily accessible everywhere and not to everyone. It is my aim to contribute to a better understanding of what a truly inclusive cycling mobility system is, and how everyone can contribute to unlocking the full potential of cycling.

Angela van der Kloof